book design

carnivorous plants: beauty and deception

book design | photography


Paralysis, strangulation, derangement — these are just a few of the misdeeds of the plant kingdom that have left their mark on history and claimed many an unfortunate victim. Unraveling the story of carnivorous plant evolution and ecology has occupied biologists for centuries. Trapping and digesting their prey, carnivory is documented in at least 9 plant families and throughout 600 species. Adapting to low-nutrient environments, these plants obtain sustaining nutrients through invertebrates and small mammals.

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book design | photography | copywriting


In all of human history, there have been only four epochs where the way information was available changed the very terms of human interaction, communication and learning so fundamentally, that there is no returning to the past. Having an accurate understanding of digital technology’s role in children’s lives is essential to those concerned about their development. Most importantly their parents, educators, health care professionals and the digital technology industry.

What are the effects intended or unintended, positive or negative, of the digital technology revolution on the developing mind's ability to learn, communicate, create and socially integrate?
